Friday, July 15, 2011

When did americans start believing everything should be free?

Exactly when did a large portion of Americans stop being self reliant and start thinking that just because they were born in this country they should get everything for free or subsidized? How many times have you heard that health care, education, and even television is a right (had to buy people converters for the digital signal). People don't even care that the money that pays for all these things is taken from their fellow citizens and given to them as their so called right. We are turning into a country of charity cases. People should have access to Health care and education and even TV, but how about paying for their own way and stop siphoning off of your neighbor? Does the government think that the people that don't have health care insurance now are suddenly going to go out and buy some after this bill passes? No, they will just make the people that do have insurance pay for the subsidies of those that don't pay now.

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